Immagini Dossier Sitobalcani Lipainglese

Lipa, the camp where Europe fails

What the “new” refugee camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents. And which is the “strategy” of the European Union

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"*" indica i campi obbligatori

Questo campo serve per la convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato inalterato.

One year after the terrible fire that left more than 1,200 people out in the cold in the canton of Una-sana on the outskirts of the European Union, the ReVolti ai Balcani network decided to take stock of conditions in the Lipa confinement camp, which reopened in mid-November 2021. What is the strategy of the European Union? A balance sheet from the old to the new camp in the heart of a Europe more and more “barbed” and hostile towards people in transit. The role of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

First edition: December 2021


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